PUT MORE CASH IN YOUR POCKET offers a way out; a way to stop sinking; a way to not just tread water, but to actually start to get ahead. There is a way to get some fast cash that will make a real difference in your life. It's not a magic investment formula or some money-saving gimmick. You just have to keep doing what you're already doing...but in a smarter way. And the only thing you have to give up is your self-defeating attitude toward money.
According to Loral Langemeier, author of Put More Cash in Your Pocket: Turn What You Know into Dough, it's about using your existing talents to create more cash. "The mistake people make is that they just do [what they know] as a hobby instead of thinking, 'I'm an entrepreneur,'" suggests Langemeier. "Anyone who wants to make money can do it."
She offers this four-part model for turning what you love into cash:
1. Do what you know. Use the skills you already have—i.e., web designing, in-home care (nursing), writing, housecleaning, and so on.
2. Replicate and duplicate. Follow a model that's already in front of you. If your idea is too unique, it won't turn into fast cash.
3. Use the "fast-cash formula." Start with what you'd like to make a year, divide by 12 (months), then by 4 (weeks) and then by 5 to figure out what you need to make in a day.
4. Promote yourself. Tell people what you do, and why you're so fabulous at it. And don't be afraid to ask for money! .
According to Loral Langemeier, author of Put More Cash in Your Pocket: Turn What You Know into Dough, it's about using your existing talents to create more cash. "The mistake people make is that they just do [what they know] as a hobby instead of thinking, 'I'm an entrepreneur,'" suggests Langemeier. "Anyone who wants to make money can do it."
She offers this four-part model for turning what you love into cash:
1. Do what you know. Use the skills you already have—i.e., web designing, in-home care (nursing), writing, housecleaning, and so on.
2. Replicate and duplicate. Follow a model that's already in front of you. If your idea is too unique, it won't turn into fast cash.
3. Use the "fast-cash formula." Start with what you'd like to make a year, divide by 12 (months), then by 4 (weeks) and then by 5 to figure out what you need to make in a day.
4. Promote yourself. Tell people what you do, and why you're so fabulous at it. And don't be afraid to ask for money! .