
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mischievous Kiss S1E14

Mischievous Kiss S1E14
  Year  2010
  Posted  03-Feb-2011
  Language  Korean
  Comment  2
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 Season: 1 Episode: 14
 Windows Media Player    Windows web browser
Genres: Drama, Ramance,
Based on the popular manga, Oh Ha Ni is a clumsy student who falls for the perfectionist, Baek Seung Jo. However, Seung Jo is indifferent towards her and rejects her love. When Ha Ni's house collapses, she and her father moves into his long-time friend's house. It turns out that Seung Jo is the friend's son and Ha Ni is given the opportunity to be near the guy she loves.
Episodes16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 54 3 2 1
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